Foto von Mahmoud Younes Mahmoud Akl

Mahmoud Younes Mahmoud Akl, M.Sc.

Technische Universität München


Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München

  • Tel.: +49 (89) 289 - 18112
  • mahmoud.akl(at)

Curriculum Vitae

I received my Masters degree in Robotics, Cognition, Intelligence from TUM in August 2015. After a short break I started an internship at the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics at DLR. In April 2016, I joined the Human Brain Project's SP10 Neurorobotics research group here at TUM as a research associate. I am researching Brain-inspired Learning Algorithms for Robotics and taking part in the development of the Neurorobotics Platform.


If you are looking for a seminar topic, a thesis topic, or a HIWI position, write me an email indicating your background and skills.



  • Mahmoud Akl, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Deniz Ergene, Florian Walter, Alois Knoll: Fine-tuning Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies with r-STDP for Domain Adaptation. International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems, 2022 mehr…


  • Mahmoud Akl, Yulia Sandamirskaya, Florian Walter, Alois Knoll: Porting Deep Spiking Q-Networks to neuromorphic chip Loihi. International Conference on Neuromorphic Systems 2021, 2021 mehr…
  • Walter, Florian; Akl, Mahmoud; Morin, Fabrice O.; Knoll, Alois: Massively Parallel Robot Simulations with the HBP Neurorobotics Platform. Embodied AI Workshop, 2021Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition 2021 (CVPR) mehr…


  • Juan Camilo Vasquez Tieck, Pascal Becker, Igor Peric, Jacques Kaiser, Mahmoud Akl, Daniel Reichard, Arne Roennau, Rüdifer Dillmann: Learning target reaching motions with a robotic arm using dopamine modulated STDP. 18th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing, 2019 mehr…


  • Bing, Zhenshan; Meschede, Claus; Huang, Kai; Chen, Guang; R̈ohrbein, Florian; Akl, Mahmoud; Knoll, Alois: End to End Learning of Spiking Neural Network based on R-STDP for a Lane Keeping Vehicle, to be appear. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018 mehr…


  • Albanese, Ugo; Sharma, Kenny; Feldotto, Benedikt; Akl, Mahmoud; Weber, Sandro; Mahmud, Hossain; Angelidis, Manos; von Arnim, Axel; Cantero, Kepa; Hinkel, Georg; Aichele, Fabian; Welter, Michael; Murphy, Susie; Guyot, Luc; Sousa, Claudio; Schmid, Yves; Gewaltig, Marc-Oliver: HBP Neurorobotics Platform. Zenodo, 2017 mehr…
  • Alois Knoll, Florian Röhrbein, Alexander Kuhn, Mahmoud Akl, and Kenny Sharma: Neurorobotics. Informatik-Spektrum, 2017 mehr…


  • Akl, Mahmoud; Walter, Florian; Röhrbein, Florian: Learning Spiking Neural Controllers for In-silico Navigation Experiments. TUM Chair of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Real-Time Systems, 2015, mehr…